I’ve been making Vector Art for a while (since 2004). You can find all my drawings on my Deviant Art.
Vector Art consists in drawing lines, not with pixels like in a regular picture, but with vectors: 2 points with 2 curve tangent. You work with coordinates and tangent which means that you can resize or zoom in the picture anyway you want without quality loss. You can also edit the lines at anytime with precision and play with layers, transparency, textures without limit. I’m using Paintshop Pro 8 (2003) which is getting a bit old but I still manage to do everything I want with it. I tried newer versions but they felt really heavy and slow so I went back to Pro 8.
I must say that I’m not very good at drawing with a pen, I actually have 0 drawing skills. I do everything with my mouse, I start with a raw sketch representing the basic pose and then I spend days/weeks trying to make it look nice with small details that create the illusion of volume.
I added some captures from the raw vector files and an animated gif that shows the evolution of the drawings as I was making them.
Look’s really cool, nice work 😀 it would be perfect as an char picture in games and forums (for example). I wish I could make something like this^^ (but i don’t have a program and even the skills for that :D)
Hottie. I’ve seen it used as avatar often on some forums.
awsome man! one question, where did you learn your site making skills? i have spoken to you before and you sad that you have mostly thaught it youself. is there a site that you recommand? friendly regards, peter
I started playing with html when I was 15. Wasn’t anything too serious, just basic functions. When I wanted to do something, I just googled it and copy/pasted the code. 3 years ago, I made a whole website for an english company where I was doing a work placement. I had to look for tips to use php and css just with the help of google. So… I guess google would be my recommendation.
thanks a lot, keep up the good work 🙂
обожаю твои арты 🙂
поддерживаю…тоже очень нравится его арты
I wish you could do some 16:9 (FULL HD for ex.) 🙂 And I really want your trance mix 02 😛
Very nice work
many thanks this is something new now my pc lifts from the others in the house
Cool! vraiment! Cela et sublime, je parle du personnage! J’ai le logiciel Paintshop Pro 8 pouvez-vous mettre en téléchargement le fichier source de conception? Merci.
Merci. Désolé, je ne partage pas mes sources.
Je comprend, merci.
J’ai un peu mal avec le rouge, jsuis plus noir/blanc/niveau de gris. Cela dit la création n’en reste pas moins géniale ^^ XxX Daybe
Bah au pire tu peux le convertir en niveau de gris, ça prend 1 seconde. Tu peux même faire une rotation des couleurs, je suis certain que ça peut faire des trucs biens.
GOD, she’s beautiful.