This AMV has been premiered at Japan Expo AMV Contest 2011 and got 6th place. It is part I of the Russ Chimes Project. The idea was to use the album Midnight Club EP by Russ Chimes which contains 3 tracks to make a 3 part AMV with Snowcrash, Reznic and me. We were planning on sending the 3 parts to the contest but Reznic couldn’t complete his part in time.
The 3 parts don’t have much in common besides the music artist and presentation style (intro/outro/credits) but you should see some scenes from other parts showing up at some point. My part doesn’t have a really complex editing nor special effects, it’s just a cool action AMV.
Freedom is one of the best anime series I’ve seen in the past 5 years. It’s from Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira) and although it’s only 7 episodes long, the story is interesting, original and it is visually impressive for 3DCG. The animation is similar to the usual anime series: between 8 and 12 fps which makes it about as hard to interpolate to 60 fps as it is with regular 2D anime. I tried to be careful and not reveal too much of the story.

Russ Chimes – Never Look Back (Midnight Club EP Part I)
I discovered this song with the Midnight Club EP music video trilogy. It’s a 3 part short movie made to promote the album. The first part might be a bit disturbing to watch the first time because of the editing but it all makes sense when you watch part 2 and 3. It’s original, full of great ideas and worth watching in loop.
About the song itself, I’ve been thinking of doing something with it for a while and this 3 part project was the perfect opportunity. I did a bit of editing to make it shorter with new transitions, new ending and I also added a few sound effects and helped Snowcrash with his track.
Pretty nice!
Sneaky usage of Hypnotoad. Nice! :p
Slick, waiting for downloads!
Weak work, coz of the lack of special effects. I can’t call it AMV, it’s just well-constructed video.
Since when does AMV = Special FX ?
Alex has poor taste… Personally I like it better than some of your more FX heavy AMV’s. This was very good & I enjoyed it alot, Big thanks for the d/l links.This and Pure Thrust are my favorites.of yours. Although I have a few others d/l besides just those two 😉
I noticed plenty of special effects, or am I wrong?
They’re not always obvious but they’re there indeed. If you count twixtor’s 60 fps as an effect, then it’s a 100% Special FX AMV. Also I do have some color correction and zoom/rotation/pan all over it. Don’t forget to mention audio, lots of stuff there too.
Some ppl just cant handle the finesse of this kind of editing..if it dont have the like tons of noise….3d effects and dunno wut others to fill the screen…they ignore the flow the sync and the changes made on the actual original clip….sum should try watching the original footage..they might find out their mistaken then…or some just troll becoz all they know is multi-anime such as auriga…i think its a really great vid..and btw is this the 1st u made with sulaco?how did it work 😛
First Sulaco was Binary Overdrive. I don’t see much difference with Auriga for now cause I’m still using old Premiere Pro 2.0. I’ll try to upgrade soon. Thx for comment.
Hey Nostro, I can get you free Premiere CS4 or 5, or whatever is current if you’d like. It’s easy and i’d be glad to hook you up man,,,
Free licence ? neat! I tryed CS5 and didn’t like much, felt really heavy and slow compared to 2.0 which is very reactive. I’m waiting for 5.5
Ah so CS5 was a little buggy too..I did hear CS5 was an absolute resource hog, and ran slow..Vegas Pro 10 was incredibly buggy until version 10d so I understand. i’ll keep my eyes peeled for 5.5, and send you an email when I get it.. Keep making these awesome AMV’s,, they are greatly appreciated!
6) Nostromo – Russ Chimes Project Part 1 – Radical Sequence Like you said, you’re in the top 10. Congrat!
Radical Sequence est une suite de Galaxy bounce? (à la fin en il y a aussi une terre rouge).
Coincidence, la terre rouge est juste un anti-spoil.
Salut à toi, Nostromo ! Merci pour ce nouvel amv. Non seulement le niveau d’excellence espéré est bien là, mais en outre, l’air de rien, tu te renouvelles, ce qui n’est pas vraiment remarqué ou compris… “Pure Thrust” indiquait ce changement de style, “Radical Sequence” le confirme. Bref ! ma question. Est-ce que Russ Chimes a vu ton travail et celui de Snowcrash ? Qu’a-t-il pu en penser ?…
Pas d’écho de la part de Russ Chimes pour l’instant. Snow à parlé de leur envoyer un lien, peut être quand les 3 parties seront dispo.
Ouais j’attend la partie de Reznic avant de contacter Russ Chimes.
Ok ! Sinon, pour tes autres amv, plus anciens, est-ce que Yuksek, DJ Spoke, etc. ont réagi ?… Sinon, avec ce “Russ Chimes Project”, c’est le deuxième projet collectif auquel tu participes, après l’excellent (ton meilleur, peut-être) “Binary Overdrive” pulsé par Sugar Jesus… Comme j’ai dit, tu renouvelles ton style, mais aussi le concept même d’amv. Vas-tu à nouveau essayer de varier, d’inviter, de coordonner (ou que sais-je…) ?
– Mike Shiver à réagit à Magic Pad (Cf. Magic Pad post), Andy Hunter à réagit à Galaxy Bounce (Cf. Galaxy Bounce post).
– J’ai déjà participé à d’autre projets en collectif, des MEP.
– Oui, c’est déjà en cours.
I love this AMV, great song, great editing, I love your style. I have been looking forward to your next release for a while now, and it was worth the wait. Well done!!
One question . How do you mix the song ?
Simple editing and basic effects with Premiere.
I wasn’t quite left in awe by this AMV either. It’s not because your skills have gotten worse or anything, but occasionally there is an AMV where the style simply isn’t as appealing. It’s called taste, and admitting that you have one, is seemingly difficult for a few people. Now I’m more into the fast-paced works like Pure Thrust, Magic Pad and Auriga. I could also appreciate Binary Overdrive as Hollywood-quality art really. This time it was different, with a lot of CGI, no lyrics to match movement and give it a hint of symbolism etc. To me it just felt like trance-like movement, and I wasn’t quite able to focus nor be fascinated by it. The former pretty much proves that you’re not out of shape, though. It’s still naturally mesmerizing, lol.
Fantastic AMV Nostromo. Song choice fits the anime perfectly. Keep them coming!
Salut l’ami ^^ J’aurai une petite question, si tu le permets =) Cela concerne le clip à Reznic, toujours aucun lien de prévu? ^^’ Sinon, j’ai vraiment adoré que vous ayez repris les musques à Saman, dont j’étais fan depuis un bon moment ~~ Dommage que vos 2 clips à Snow et toi n’étaient pas plus “liés” mais bon, déjà, la musique est excellente et on apprécie toujours de voir les bonnes musiques clippées par des pro ^^ Bon courage sinon, et au prochain
As I can download the edited version of the song?
Oh, you need to extract it from the video. I can’t give a download for the audio file.
And this is my absolute favoriteee~it’s the first amv of yours I watched, and from then ME WAS HOOKED. I would normally yell MOARRR but excuse me while I rewatch them again and again and again 😀