This AMV has been premiered at Akross AMV Contest 2007 and got 11th place and is my first romance AMV. It’s not the usual slow/boring/depressing romance AMV, there’s a good amount of fun/comedy in it and I even managed to insert the Hypnotoad at some point. Will you find it? Yeah, romance + Hypnotoad, how could it not work?
I modified the audio mix a bit since the original 2007 release. I changed the equalizer settings and I added some music for the Akross logo (Cannibal Corpse – Blunt Force Castration) and elevator music (Stereo Action Unlimited – HI-FI Trumpet) for the TV waiting time. I think it makes the intro a lot better and funnier, I should have thought about doing that in 2007.
Lucky Star is one of the few anime that I really enjoyed watching. I knew I had to make something when I saw the episode with Meito Anizawa (the Animate shop manager). There wasn’t much footage of him though and that’s why this AMV is a bit short. I had to improvise and find a way to end the video. That’s where the Hypnotoad (from Futurama) comes in.
Lucky Star by Superfunk was a perfect fit for a Lucky Star AMV. I don’t think I need to explain this one.