New year show created by Les Petits Français and organized on the Arc de Triomphe, Paris. It was advertised as a projection and 3D mapping show on the Arc. The fireworks after the countdown was a surprise for the audience since fireworks have been forbidden in Paris since 2000.
I was invited to this show with access to the media area which helped a lot in setting up my gear on the best spot, away from the huge (600 000) crowd that was completely filling Les Champs Elysées.
The show was incredible with excellent original music from Pascal Lengagne and Philippe Villar. I spent a few days filtering my footage to improve quality and remove those freaking green lasers (!!!) produced by the abundance of idiots in the crowd. I did the best I could and managed to greatly reduce the disturbance with clever luma keying and manual cleaning. Have a look at other uploads if you want to compare before/after.
My pictures and video were published on the show creator’s website with extra info about the show.
Very good job! It’s so fantastic to watch your work *-*
Hello. Merci pour ton travail. toujours aussi magnifique et impéccable ! Prises de vues parfaites et image nette. Un vrai bonheur à regarder. Je suis fan !