I have been a long time visitor to your site; however, this is my first time commenting. I must say, your approach to photography is very unique of all the photo postings that I have seen on the internet. Your use of exposure, lighting, depth of field, and composition is astonishingly well done in the examples you post. Keep up the good work. I look forward to it.
Japan is really something! Awesome pics, as always!
j’adore ces photos, et merci à toi de nous faire découvrir ces lieux superbes ! est-ce des kimono, au début de ce shooting ?
Kimono en effet.
Wow, great pictures! I especially like the ones at night, and the Kimono pic is also fascinating.
I have been a long time visitor to your site; however, this is my first time commenting. I must say, your approach to photography is very unique of all the photo postings that I have seen on the internet. Your use of exposure, lighting, depth of field, and composition is astonishingly well done in the examples you post. Keep up the good work. I look forward to it.
Lovely pictures ! Good job.
excellente photos, j’aime, j’adore et je ne le répèterais jamais assez. je trouve cette série très droles sans doute à cause des lapins 😉